TEA Woodside

Admissions Process

Our Application Process is as easy as 1...2...3!

#1 Inquire
#1 Inquire
#2 Connect with us
#3 Apply

#1 Inquire

#2 Connect with us

#3 Apply

Complete an Inquiry Form

Complete the inquiry form below to tell us a little about yourself. We will schedule an initial call right away to get the process started while answering any initial questions you may have about the school’s philosophy, students, teachers, programs, and logistics.

Meet Faculty & Staff

After your initial call, we will schedule a virtual student/family interview with one of our program directors. This interview allows the child, family, and school to determine whether it is a good fit.

Submit an Application

After the Virtual Director Interview is complete the next step is to complete your application. We do not charge an application fee. Once that application has been received, we will follow up with next steps.

TEA Woodside Inquiry Form