Tahoe Expedition Academy

After School Clubs

Fall Clubs

Fall Clubs– Tahoe Expedition Academy extends academics, character and adventure through its wide array of After School Clubs. Fall Clubs include Art with Grace Hubrig, Drama with Beth Gamboa and Nina Meehan, Pure Sports with Seth Benson, Mountain Biking with Eric Martin and Liz McInroy, and Rock Band with David Zimmerman.

Winter Clubs

Winter Clubs – Art with Grace Hubrig, Blacksmithing with Loren Trux (HS), Drama Club with Beth Gamboa and Nina Meehan, Rock Band with Justin Eubanks and Vex Robotics with Elijah Sohn highlight our Winter Club offerings.


Spring Clubs

Spring Clubs – Art with Grace Hubrig, Blacksmithing with Loren Trux(MS), Lacrosse with Seth Benson, Mountain Biking with Eric Martin, Skye Allsop and Steph Brodi, Rock Band with David Zimmerman, and Yoga with Laura Patterson and Sophie Czerwinski  will highlight our Spring offerings.