Crossing Lake Tahoe by Kayak

To kick off their Learning Expedition on “Water and the Red Triangle,” the 9th grade Redwood Crew completes an eight mile kayak across Lake Tahoe

To kick off their semester-long Learning Expedition on water, sixteen 9th graders and four trip leaders traversed an eight-mile crossing of Lake Tahoe on kayaks. The trip, intended to take eight hours, only took four – evidence of the students’ incredible spirit and strength.

“Imagine an english teacher on a kayak in the middle of Lake Tahoe reading Moby Dick out loud with students circled around him.”

One of the anchor texts students were studying during the Learning Expedition was Melville’s Moby Dick, so students circled their kayaks around English teacher Laird Blackwel while he read the first chapter.

Imagine twenty people gliding over the clear blue water of Lake Tahoe, smiling on the first day of school. Picture the celebration when the group reached the East Shore of Lake Tahoe and pulled up their boats up on the shore.

It was an incredible way to kick off the first day of high school.