Flag Football
Stay Fit this Fall with Flag Football!
Fall ’22 marks our first year with a Flag Football TEAm. Flag Football is a high-octane, non-contact version of American football, where tackles are made by pulling off flags, which all players wear on their hips. TEA’s Flag Football team is open to high school student-athletes of all abilities. The goal this year is to build skills, engage in regularly scheduled intra-team scrimmages, and enjoy America’s favorite sport – football.
Who:. Students in 9-12th grade. All levels of experience are welcome.
Where:Tahoe Expedition Academy @ MVEF Campus Field
When: Mondays and Wednesdays, 3:15pm – 4:45pm.
Coaches: Joaquin Fioresi and Hunter Cosselman
Athlete Expectations: All TEAm members will understand, sign and follow the Student Athlete Expectations Agreement.
Limit: 20 student-athletes
Materials: Participants are required to bring cleats and athletic clothing for each practice. Please dress for the weather and come prepared to exercise. Bring a snack and water bottle as well.
Cost: $150
Register: Click here to register. Also use this link to filter all of our offerings by type, age, date and more.