Apply for our Financial Aid Program through Blackbaud

We utilize the Blackbaud Financial Aid Management program to help us look beyond a family’s financial analysis so we can see a complete picture. The application process through Financial Aid Management is as streamlined as possible. To assist with your application, we’ve compiled the following instructions and FAQs.


Go to: to apply and use school ID #13724


* Please note, due to a recent update to Safari web browsers, you may experience difficulty with this site on Safari until Financial Aid Management resolves the issue. We recommend using an alternative web browser (ie Chrome). Also, when registering for the site you must wait for the verification email to be sent from Financial Aid Management, and you must click the verification link in that email BEFORE TRYING TO LOG IN OR RESETTING YOUR PASSWORD. If you do anything before clicking the link your email will be locked for security.

Required Documentation & Support Contact Information

School ID
Tahoe Expedition Academy: 13724

Grades Eligible
Kindergarten – 12th Grade

Financial Aid Management Application Fee: $35

Required Supporting Documentation
Applications submitted without documentation will not be processed.

• Most recent paystubs
• Most recent W-2 forms for all jobs.
•Most recent filed tax return: 1040, 1040A, 1040EZ with all schedules.
• Most recent filed business tax return: 1120, 1120S, 1065 (if applicable).
• Supplemental income documentation: Social Security income, Welfare, Food Stamps, Child Support, 1099-M Forms, Worker’s Compensation, Unemployment, Veterans Benefits, Housing Allowance, etc.
• If you are unable to provide any of the aforementioned items, please submit a Special Circumstance Letter indicating which document(s) you are unable to provide and why. This information will be shared with your school for consideration.

Submitting Documentation
Documentation should be submitted at the time the application is completed. Application IDs must be included on all documents. Failure to include your ID will delay processing of your application.

• Direct Upload: (login with your username and password)

Contact Information
• Phone Support: (800) 360-8027
• Email Support:

Notification of Financial Aid
Once your application is processed, a financial aid recommendation will be forwarded to Tahoe Expedition Academy. All final financial aid decisions, including notification of an award amount (if any) will be made by Tahoe Expedition Academy. If you have not received notification regarding financial aid, contact the financial administrator at Tahoe Expedition Academy.

Online Application Instructions

Section 1 – Household Information
Enter the parent or guardian’s contact information. Dependent: Enter all dependents that live in the household. For dependents in college, select the “attending another private school” status option.

Section 2 – Selecting A School
Enter your school’s five-digit code or name in the search box. If you want to search for schools near you that are participating in the Financial Aid Management program, you can search by city and state. Make your selection by checking the select check box. Once a school or multiple schools are selected, you will then need to select the student(s) you wish to apply for aid at the appropriate school(s). After the school(s) have been selected, you will then need to select the upcoming grade for the student, student code (if applicable), and expected tuition (if applicable) for the upcoming year. Clicking “next” after each section will allow you to move on to each subsequent section.

Section 3 – Income & Expenses
Enter any income the household receives; employment, business or supplemental. If the work status is selected as ‘employed’, ‘self-employed’, ‘unemployed, receiving benefits’, or ‘disabled, receiving benefits,’ you will be required to enter this income source in the appropriate section before moving through the application. Please enter all expenses as they pertain to your household.

Section 4 – Assets & Debts
Enter all assets and debts as they pertain to your household.

Section 5 – Special Circumstances
Check off any special circumstance that pertains to your household. If no option available best describes your household’s circumstance, please check ‘other’ and describe your situation. This information is confidential and will only be available to designated School Administration and Financial Aid Management staff.

Section 6 – Submit
If your school uses family school codes, please make the appropriate selection. Agree to Financial Aid Management’s terms and conditions, then click SUBMIT to complete your online application.


Please be sure to enter all fields with accuracy.


Q: Who should complete this aid application?
A: Whomever the child resides with should complete this application whether it is a parent, grandparent, aunt/uncle, or legal guardian. There is a section within the application where you can enter contributions from non-custodial parents and relatives.

Q: Why do I need to input my spouse’s information if I am remarried and they are not legally responsible for my children?
A: Financial Aid Management’s calculation works off of the total household income, therefore including all income, whether the party is legally responsible for your children or not. Our system, however, does take into effect your spouse’s expenses as well as their income. It is important to list all expenses that are asked of within the application.

Q: I do not have the required tax documents. HELP!
A: Include the most recent tax documentation you have available. If you are asked for a specific line from a tax document that you have not yet completed, please estimate the projected amount.

Q: How will I know if I qualify for aid or not?
A: We do not disclose information about the results of your application. All final tuition aid decisions, including notification of an award amount (if any); will be made by your school. For the date award notices will be given, please contact your school directly.

Q: What if I want to edit my application?
A: Once an application has been submitted and paid for it can no longer be edited by a parent. However, if changes are necessary a written statement with the change (including the application ID), should be sent to