Tahoe Expedition Academy

TEA Gear Market

The very best deals on Adventure GEAR for all members of your family!

DONATING – We will begin collecting GEAR on Monday, September 9th and continue collecting through Thursday, September 19th. Bins/tables will be set up on the sidewalk of both the lower and upper school roundabouts between 8:15am and 3:15pm each day.

VOLUNTEERING – This event relies heavily on support from volunteers!! Please consider signing up by emailing Jill Short. We need a robust group of people to sort gear on Friday the 20th (get first sneak peak/purchase opportunities), help with set-up on Sunday morning from 8am-10am and work the event from 10am-12pm.

SPREADING THE WORD – Please consider sharing the attached promotional flier with your friends/communities and on your social media. The more people who attend, the more gear gets exchanged/recycled in our community, and the more money we raise for TEA’s adventure program and Sierra Community House.

Gear Market Flyer

Gear Market Flyer en Español