Developing a Multicultural Understanding of History, Arts and Humanities by Studying Washoe Culture

2nd-grade students learn that the Washoe culture is still prevalent in our area and what cultural practices are still applicable today

Imagine two schools in two entirely different places coming together to learn from each other. In the Seasons of the Washoe learning expedition, that’s exactly what happens.

Tahoe Expedition Academy’s 2nd-grade Echo Crew recently traveled to Stewart Head Start preschool, located on the Stewart Indian Colony, which has many Washoe students. Through interactions with Washoe children and adults, they learned that the Washoe culture is still prevalent in our area and what cultural practices are still applicable today.

TEA students were invited to read stories to children of the Washoe Tribe and even learn a song in the Washoe language. Afterward, the Echo crew drove a little further to Carson Valley and toured the Cultural museum with docent Miss Mary. They saw an example of the Washoe traditional shelter, artifacts and works of art by local painters. The day concluded with a picnic lunch and some play time before heading home. Special thanks to Ms. Katie for her leadership and Ms. Sabrina for driving!

old photo od a tribal elder
students looking at an installation at the Cultural museum
students sitting in a circle
students inside the cultral museum
students walking into a building
stdents getting off the bus