2021 Senior Passage Presentations

We are proud to share the Senior Class of 2021 Passage Presentations with you

As part of TEA’s graduation requirements, seniors complete a passage presentation where they are tasked with proving to the panelists and TEA Community that they have mastered TEA’s learner outcomes and are ready to embark on the next chapter of their journey. Passages provide students with an opportunity to reflect on their growth as learners and people as they transition from one phase of school to the next.

Caden Allard

Kira Baker

Emma Bekes

Cora Benty

Brennan Berg

Grady Boger

Peyton Broll

Axelle Carnot

Guy Carnot

Jill Coleman

Parker Dalton

Kaelem Frankland

Luke Janssen

Max Loughan

Jack Loughan

Beck Marshall

James Olson

Luke Robinson

Caroline Sandberg

Jackson Simon

Alex Smith

Ben Smith

Johan Sotelo