Senior Highlight: Mollie Grange Isaacson

Mollie will be attending the University of California, Los Angeles

What advice do you have for TEA students?

I would tell TEA students to face adversity! You can do anything you put your mind to! Believe in yourself! Challenge norms and push boundaries.



What will you miss about TEA?

I will miss Lauren most.



Mollie’s Senior Intensive Summary:

Mollie Grange Isaacson had always been passionate about her education. As a student in California, she had seen firsthand the flaws and shortcomings of the public education system. She knew that something needed to be done, and she decided to focus her senior intensive on finding an effective method to transform the system.

Mollie was excited to begin her fieldwork, but she also felt a sense of trepidation. She knew that the issue of public education was a complex one and that it would take time and effort to truly understand it. Nevertheless, she was determined to make a change.

As she conducted her research and spoke with experts, Mollie began to gain a deeper understanding of the challenges facing the public education system in California. She took a deep dive into funding issues, the achievement gap, and the challenges of meeting the needs of all students.

Despite the enormity of the task, Mollie remained committed to finding a solution. She enjoyed the independence of her fieldwork and felt a sense of fulfillment in the work she was doing. She was grateful for the knowledge and wisdom she gained from her experts, and she knew that their insights would be invaluable as she continued to tackle this issue in the future.

As she worked on her senior intensive, Mollie became more and more aware of the scale of the problem. She knew that she couldn’t solve it on her own, but she remained determined to make a difference. She hoped to gain a better understanding of the issue, to ask more questions, and to make some smaller changes that could help to pave the way for larger ones in the future.

In the end, Mollie knew that she might not be able to transform the public education system in California during her senior intensive. But she remained hopeful and committed to the cause. She believed that by working together and staying critical, it was possible to make real progress and create a better future for all students.


From Mollie’s family:

“You arrived in this world on your own schedule, paving your own way and paying keen attention to the world around you. Your astute observations about human nature, indignation for injustice, and fierce competitive drive have allowed you to excel at whatever you put your mind to. We see you thrive most when the pressure is on, juggling intense snowboarding competitions with the studies that most interest you (and still excelling with those that don’t). We have every confidence that as you chart your own course in life, you will find yourself in many more meaningful adventures making an indelible impression on everyone you meet along the way. We’ve seen you grow in so many ways, culminating with your senior intensive where you dove deep into the career field you’ve been so passionate about – and that only you could accomplish with such casual grace. We are so very proud of you. Love, Mom, Dad, Ross, Tova & Shmutzie.”