Senior Spotlight: Aidan Robin

Aidan is attending the University of Oregon

What advice do you have for TEA students?

Well a no brainer would definitely try not to procrastinate as much as possible!! Don’t be afraid to ask for help on assignments from your teachers, or even your peers. I’ve found that getting help from my peers has given me a better understanding of the material and locked it down for them as well. Dress for snow everyday(or at least most days), you never know, we might have snow in May again. Participate in all school activities! They make school so much more fun to be in. Make a club of your own if you so choose. Don’t doubt the teachers, they have your best interest in mind, most of the time.



What will you miss about TEA?

I will miss the unplanned journeys, camping food, my friends, my community, and my memories of growing up. Some staff at TEA have known me since I was only four feet tall, which is saying a lot in comparison to my current height of six feet. I will miss my amazing teachers and the great faculty. I will miss seeing the growth of my peers and classmates. I will miss the giant field TEA worked so hard on to get green and healthy. Overall I will be missing a lot, but it’s a great opportunity to continue to make good memories and continue my journey as a growing human in the world.  



Aidan’s Senior Intensive Summary:

Aidan had noticed the amount of waste in his community, from food scraps to stationery and various other materials as well. Aidan decided that he wanted to take action. He wanted to properly educate the community and show them that not everything is waste and that you can reuse more than you think. He decided to make this his senior intensive project.

Aidan loved planning on the go and getting recommendations from experts. He reached out to recycling organizations and environmentalists, and he was able to get some great advice on how to properly recycle and reduce waste.

He started by creating a presentation that he could give to his classmates and teachers at school. He talked about the importance of recycling and showed them how they could reuse more than they thought. He also dove into the impact that waste has on the environment, and how it can harm habitats and ecosystems around the globe.

Aidan pushed to implement better recycling practices in the school. He was able to take charge and make a positive change in his community and was thrilled to see that his efforts were making a difference.

In the end, Aidan’s senior intensive project was a huge success. He was able to educate and inspire his community to reduce waste and recycle more effectively. His project was a powerful example of how small changes can have a big impact on the environment.



From Aidan’s family:

“What a pleasure to have watched you grow all these years Aidan. You are one of the bravest and most authentic people we know. You are a loyal and kind friend which will ensure incredible new and lasting relationships as you enter college and experience your first taste of independence in the world. We are incredibly proud of your effort at school, and of your fierce work ethic outside of school. Learning to take feedback and courageously step into uncertainty will serve you forever. We will miss your lively enthusiasm and your caring spirit. Keep being your genuine self. Don’t let anyone tell you what you can or can’t be and shine your beautiful light on the world. We love you and are so proud of you in every way. Bisous, Maman and Papa”