Senior Spotlight: Elia Schreiber

Elia will be attending the Berklee College of Music in Boston



What advice do you have for TEA students?

Some advice that I would give to some other students is to make sure to stay on top of your work. Make sure you try your best to put out the best work that you can. Try to love what you do and even the things that you don’t still try your best.



What will you miss about TEA?

The thing I will miss the most about this school is the connections this school encourages you to build. I have made so many close friends here and met so many amazing people. I will miss them all but they are all super good connections in my life.



Elia’s Senior Intensive Summary:

Elia Schreiber fell in love with music at a young age and always saw herself as somewhat of an expert. When her vast knowledge of music is paired with her expertise in ballet, such a title is easy to recognize. But as she started to delve deeper into the inner workings of the industry, she noticed a disturbing trend: gender inequality. It seemed like the music industry was dominated by men, with very few female artists achieving the same level of success.

Determined to make a change, Elia decided to make gender inequality in the music industry the focus of her senior intensive. She spent countless hours in the recording studio, experimenting with different sounds and lyrics, and meeting with experts and industry professionals to gain insights into the challenges facing female artists.

Through her hard work and determination, Elia was able to create a collection of original music that she was proud of. But she knew that her work wasn’t done yet. She wanted to make sure that her music reached as wide an audience as possible so that more people could become aware of the issue of gender inequality in the music industry.

Each day as she entered the recording studio, Elia was filled with the thought that this was the moment she had been waiting for – the chance to record her original music and create an EP that would showcase her talent and hard work. However, she soon realized this would not be a simple task; the recording process was filled with trial and error, and she had to experiment with different sounds, beats, and instruments to get the perfect mix. As a result, the process was both time-consuming and challenging.

Despite these challenges, and with the help of many experts and important connections, Elia remained determined to create music that would represent her unique perspective and talent.

From Elia’s family:

“When you were little we used to say, “If only they made Carhartts with tutus.” That seemed the perfect way to describe your wild, rugged sense of adventure and your graceful beauty. You were the wild child, with curly hair, dusty bare feet, and sparkling eyes, endlessly talking, dancing, and singing all the way home with your deep, scratchy voice. Over the years, we have loved watching you stand on a stage and play music with confidence in front of thousands or dance graceful complicated choreography, as much as we have loved watching you backpack up mountains, jump off cliffs on your skis, and pull trout from mountain streams with your fly rod. All of what you have accomplished has taken so much hard work, grit, and determination, so much courage. Now, you are just as comfortable traveling in big cities as you are on the back of a horse riding into the wilderness. You express yourself beautifully in your dance, music, and writing. You do everything with your signature style and confidence. You even survived math class. Love yourself, follow your heart, build a life you love. We are endlessly proud of you and forever in love with you…our little bird of heaven.

‘You are wind & fire & sunlight & a thousand other moments of love & magic & if you forget we are right here to remind you always & forever, this is who you are & not something smaller
– Kai Skye’

Love, Mom, Dad, Zeb, and Kove”