Senior Spotlight: Jack Cecchi

Jack will be attending the University of Nevada, Reno

What advice do you have for current TEA students?

Bring what you need to be happy on trips. 


What will you miss most about TEA?

I’m going to miss my friends.

Jack's Senior Intensive Summary

Jack had always been fervent about animation. And had always been observant of the effects of burnout on the animation industry. That’s when he decided to use his Senior Intensive project to tackle the problem of burnout in animation production. Jack strived to find ways to aid himself and other students stay motivated and engaged throughout the demanding process of animation production.

Jack spent weeks researching different strategies for combating burnout, from mindfulness practices to time-management techniques. Jack additionally reached out to professionals in the animation industry to get their insights on how they stay motivated and inspired.

As he worked through his project, Jack began to feel a renewed sense of purpose and energy, and accomplishment. Jack knew that the lessons he had learned while working on his Senior Intensive project would stick with him as he pursued his college career. And perhaps most importantly, he had found a way to combat burnout and stay motivated and inspired in the face of even the most demanding projects.



From Jack’s Family

“As you leave high school for college, here is what we know is true. You are a cautious risk-taker. You are a considerate rebel. You are humbly erudite and shyly empathetic. You are sentimentally independent and stealthily hilarious. Jack, you are a beautiful enigma of agreeable contradictions that make you a force for good. You showed up for yourself in a powerful and impressive way this year. Going forward, when you show up with that kind of insight and determination, the world will be lucky to have you. So much love and admiration – Mom, Dad, Anna and Chewy (your partner in dogcrastination)”