Pre-K Crew Visits With Truckee Seniors to Work on Face-to-Face Communication

This week our Pre-K kiddos kicked off their Thematic Lens titled "Forever YOUng" by visiting the Truckee Senior Apartments for an afternoon of collaboration.

The goal of the Thematic Lens is for the students to get to know themselves, their friends, their school and their community while working on the art of personal communication. Their learning targets are “I can be kind, I can be a good listener, I can be respectful.”

For this fieldwork experience, the Pre-K kiddos kicked things off with some team building activities in the park. After that, the students passed out flyers inviting the seniors to a day of Fall Solstice arts and craft making. They spent the rest of the day spending time with their new friends by going on walks and eating lunch together. What a wonderful way to connect the two communities. Great work Anne, Stephanie, and Regine!

pre-k kids sitting in the grass
pre-k students with their backpacks in a single file line
girls talking with a senior
pre-k students petting a black and white dog
two pre-k students holding hands and walking
pre-k students following their teacher in a line
pre-k students sitting ina circle with their teacher
pre-k students lined up at the playground
pre-k students at the playground
pre-k students at the playground
pre-k students at the playground
pre-k students at the playground
pre-k students at the playground
pre-k students riding a toy dinosaur on the playground
a teacher talking to a pre-k student
pre-k students with their backpacks in a line
a student sitting in the grass eating her lunch
pre-k kids walking next to a forest road