Youth Voting

Reflecting in the Welsh Countryside By Charlie Barrett

In their 4th trip post, TEA students identify that change CAN be done to impact civic engagement in the U.S.

Developing Connection with Conwy Youth by Ava Morgan

In their 3rd trip post, TEA students describe meeting with Conwy Youth Council to contrast the differences in political engagement in the two countries.

Meeting with the Political Studies Association By Jason Moran

In their second trip post, TEA students report on discussing youth voting with Lincoln University Professor and British Youth Council (BYC) Trustee while in London.

Kick Starting the UK Voting Expedition By Aleese Holiday

For their first trip post, 11th and 12th-grade students from Tahoe Expedition Academy talking about landing in the U.K. after a 17-hour travel delay to investigate youth voting and civic engagement.