4th-Grade Hutchinson Lodge Overnight Hut Trip 

TEA 4th-graders had a blast during their first backcountry hut overnight

Our 4th-grade students had so much fun on their intro level hut trip. The approach was only a few hundred yards, but the students had to carry all of their own things up to the hut. When they arrived they got to make a snowman, choose bunk beds, and eat lunch. After that, they set out on their next adventure, XC skiing through the woods.

While on this overnight adventure, students learned all about how the Leave No Trace principles apply to shared spaces like a backcountry hut, spent several hours cross country skiing both off-trail and on, and had an awesome winter adaptations lesson with TEA Adventure Director Jack Benter out on a frozen lake!

students on skis following close behind their teacher

TEA Adventure Director Jack Benter leading the charge!

Students learned how to keep themselves warm, dry, and safe in the backcountry in the winter.

Students spent the evening cooking dinner and celebrating two of their classmates birthday, and had an evening circle where we reflected on the day. On the second day of the trip students prepared breakfast, played some games with Jack, and talked about how to keep themselves warm, dry, and safe in the backcountry in the winter.

One of our TEA parents took some amazing photos that we’re happy to share here. Thank you TEA parents for your photojournalism work as always!

4th grader int he snow smiles for the camera
a girl holding a camera gets her picture taken
students on their skis line up along the trail
students surrounded by trees sit in the snow
4th graders build a snowman outside the lodge
students following their teacher through a snowy trail
kids looking inside a piano as they play
a boy leans on a railing inside the lodge
students sitting in the snow outside hutchinson lodge
students with their skis on sitting in the snow
three 4th graders have their picture taken on the trail